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Lovely Lilac BouquetLovely Lilac Bouquet
Lovely Lilac BouquetLovely Lilac Bouquet
Lovely Lilac BouquetLovely Lilac Bouquet

A bouquet that's not only beautiful, but also delicious. Made with Belgian chocolate. Various sizes and options available. Wrapped in a clear bag. Option to add on clear presentation box. 

Contains approx 13-15 berries, 4 macarons + florals all around arrangement.  

We are excited to announce a delicious enhancement to our bouquets! Fresh flowers will no longer be available in our arrangements. Instead, we’re introducing our handcrafted chocolate flowers, designed to elevate your gifting experience with a unique, edible twist. This change allows us to offer stunning, flavorful creations that reflect our passion for both beauty and indulgence. Thank you for your continued support and love for our evolving designs!


Materials and designs are subject to availability.